568 search results for "manga"

History of Comics Censorship, Part 6

Below is a web-friendly version of the CBLDF presentation on the history of comics censorship, which has been delivered to audiences of scholars, lawyers, advocates and readers in the United States. Please contact CBLDF about bringing this presentation to your…

History of Comics Censorship, Part 5

Below is a web-friendly version of the CBLDF presentation on the history of comics censorship, which has been delivered to audiences of scholars, lawyers, advocates and readers in the United States. Please contact CBLDF about bringing this presentation to your…

History of Comics Censorship, Part 3

Below is a web-friendly version of the CBLDF presentation on the history of comics censorship, which has been delivered to audiences of scholars, lawyers, advocates and readers in the United States. Please contact CBLDF about bringing this presentation to your…

History of Comics Censorship

History of Comics Censorship, Part 1: From comic book burnings to the arrival of the Comics Code. History of Comics Censorship, Part 2: From Mad Magazine and the birth of Marvel Comics through the Underground Comix era, the Zap #4…

How To Manage A Media Attack

Media attacks against comics and the people who sell them are nothing new. They’ve been plaguing comics since the very beginning, whether it was massive public comic book burnings in the 1940s, Fredric Wertham’s attacks in the 1950s, or the…

Banned Books Week

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is a proud sponsor of Banned Books Week, the annual celebration of the freedom to read! The celebration of Banned Books Week is always held the last week of September and features a different…

How You Can Help

Support Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.  The CBLDF is able to perform our important work protecting comics because of the donations of readers like you.  Please consider making a donation or becoming a member.  Your contributions ensure we can continue…

Banned & Challenged Comics

Amazing Spider-Man: Revelations by J. Michael Straczynski, John Romita, Jr., and Scott Hanna • Location of key challenge: A middle-school library in Millard, Nebraska • Reason challenged: Sexual overtones The parent of a 6-year-old who checked out the book filed…

How Comics Are Banned

The process to ban a book begins when a person makes makes a complaint. In public libraries, this process of banning a book begins when a patron makes a formal challenge.  According to the American Library Association: A challenge is…

Banned Comics

Every year people try to take away readers’ power to decide what books are right for themselves or their children to read by bringing challenges to remove books from libraries. Comic books, graphic novels, and manga are frequently challenged and…