568 search results for "manga"

Oishinbo Manga Suspended Amidst Nuclear Furor

The long-running manga Oishinbo, which raised a stir in recent weeks by suggesting a link between the Fukushima nuclear meltdown and health problems suffered by area residents, has suspended publication under heavy criticism from local Japanese governments and Prime Minister…

Tokyo Government Declares Imōto Paradise! 2 Manga Unhealthy

Under the guise of the revised (and ever more draconian) Youth Healthy Development Ordinance, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government this week declared that the manga Imōto Paradise! 2 was an “unhealthy publication.” Under the ordinance, such materials cannot be sold to…

Fukushima Residents, Government Criticize Manga’s Depiction of Health Effects From Radiation (Maybe)

Over the past few weeks, the popular Japanese cooking manga Oishinbo has come under fire from residents and government officials of Fukushima Prefecture, who say that it inaccurately depicts the effect of radiation exposure on visitors to the nuclear plant…