Tag: comics history

A Brief History of Movie Censorship

The 1950s may have saw the implementation of the Comics Code, which literally censored comics off the newsstand and all but destroyed the comics industry, but before that even some of the earliest forms of movie entertainment—the Nickelodeon and moveable…

Jack Davis: The Man Who Revolutionized Comics Humor

Last week, we lost a true comics legend and luminary. Jack Davis is not only remembered as a founding member of MAD magazine and contributor to EC’s diverse line of comics, but also as a man who with his incredible…

The Humble History of The Adventures of Big Boy

That hamburger-holding, chubby-cheeked cherub Bob’s Big Boy isn’t just a classic icon of the 1930s, selling burgers and seasonings across the United States. He is also the star of one of the longest running and most widely distributed comic book…

She Changed Comics: Pre-Code & Golden Age

Happy Women’s History Month! All through March, we’ll be celebrating women who changed free expression in comics. Check back here every week for biographical snippets on female creators who have pushed the boundaries of the format and/or seen their work…

Comics Collector Donates Rare “Canadian Whites” to University

From Nelvana of the Northern Lights, a female crime-buster who predates Wonder Woman, to a Nazi-fighting man from the sea called Iron Man, Canada’s comics history is rich, vibrant, and has a flavor wholly its own. Former award-winning math professor…

Françoise Mouly: Kids’ Comics Deserve Respect

From her underground work, including co-founding RAW magazine, to her current role as comics publisher at Toon Books and as cover art editor for The New Yorker, Françoise Mouly has become a venerable force in the comics industry and mainstream…