Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab has once again joined forces with Neil Gaiman and Neverwhere to produce an exclusive scent that benefits CBLDF’s important First Amendment work! BPAL’s All Hallow’s Apple perfume celebrates All Hallow’s Read, Gaiman’s annual initiative to encourage the exchange of scary books on Halloween.
BPAL also has a wonderful way to display your favorite fragrances — the All Hallow’s Apple bottle stand! This sculpture features the graves of three of the most well known horror writers — Edgar Allen Poe, HP Lovecraft, and Gaiman himself! Each stand comes with a bottle of All Hallow’s Apple — the scent of fallen apples, grave moss, autumn leaves, and upturned earth.
BPAL shares the details on their website:
Celebrate Neil Gaiman’s Halloween tradition by sharing the scare! This holiday season, give the gift of horror lit to friends, family, neighbors, and random people passing you on the street!
To commemorate All Hallows’ Read 2013, Black Phoenix Trading Post has conspired with Neil Gaiman and Neverwear to create this ghastly bottle stand. Featuring the graves of three of horror’s greatest and equipped to house three BPAL bottles, this is a must for every literature-lover’s macabre mantelpiece!
The idea of it is incredibly simple this Halloween give somebody a scary book, to read. That’s the idea.
We’re not saying don’t give candy, candy is important, fake blood is important, Zombie teeth are incredibly important… Err do they have Zombie teeth? If they have Zombie Teeth they would be incredibly important.
The point is, give somebody a scary book. Give kids scary books that kids would like. Give adults scary books that adults would like. If you have friends give them scary book that friends would like.
Buy scary books for them, borrow scary books for them. Get them second hand. Check them out of the library…
Spread the joy… and the terror.
-Neil Gaiman
Proceeds from sales of the All Hallows’ Read Bottle Graveyard and the All Hallows’ Apple scent benefit the CBLDF.
Bookmarks of [Sean Von Gorman‘s label artwork are available at Neverwear! Please give them a visit for more All Hallow’s Read goodness!
All Hallows’ Read Bottle Graveyard sculpted by Michael Locascio!
Please note: the All Hallows’ Read Bottle Graveyard and All Hallows’ Apple will not begin shipping until November 13th.
Thanks to BPAL, Neil Gaiman, and Neverwhere, you can help support free speech and the freedom to read while smelling great at the same time! Visit the BPAL website to pick up your vial of All Hallow’s Apple and the gorgeous bottle stand!