Author: Caitlin McCabe

Book Trailer Banned From Facebook for Biblical Nudity

The heated debate over Facebook’s vague and seemingly selective nudity guidelines has been reignited with the banning of the promotional book trailer for Michal Lemberger’s After Abel and Other Stories — a trailer that includes various medieval and Renaissance artwork…

Fear for Reputation Leads Queen’s University to Cancel Charlie Hebdo Conference

Earlier this week, it was sadly announced that Queen’s University Belfast would be canceling an academic conference on the Charlie Hebdo attacks over security concerns as well as the potentially negative reputation that the University would garner by holding such…

Indian Supreme Court Strikes Down Internet Censorship Law

In late March, free speech scored a victory overseas when the Indian Supreme Court officials annulled Section 66A of the Information Technology (IT) Act, 2008, ensuring greater freedom of expression for Indian citizens in online communications. Section 66A not only…

Turkey’s Censorship Leads to More Outspoken Cartoonists

Turkey has one of the richest histories of satire and cartooning, but it is also one of the most oppressed and governmentally regulated countries in recent history when it comes to freedom of speech and expression. But cartoonists continue to…

Françoise Mouly: Kids’ Comics Deserve Respect

From her underground work, including co-founding RAW magazine, to her current role as comics publisher at Toon Books and as cover art editor for The New Yorker, Françoise Mouly has become a venerable force in the comics industry and mainstream…

A Look Back on the Controversy of Mortal Kombat

The newest addition to the popular video game series, Mortal Kombat X, hit retail shelves last week and along with discussions of the 10th edition’s newest — and already controversial — violent game play also came reminiscences of the game’s…

Imposing Rules on Satire Harms Free Expression

From events like the attack on Charlie Hebdo to the governmental persecution of cartoonists around the world, in light of what seems to be a disturbing increase in attacks on free speech a series of questions continue to come up in…

Garry Trudeau Argues that Charlie Hebdo Crossed a Satirical Red Line

American political satirist and cartoonist Garry Trudeau is no stranger to inciting controversy with his work, and in his recent article published in The Atlantic, he invited further controversy with inflammatory comments equating the editorial decisions at the Charlie Hebdo…

Is the Games Press to Blame in Video Game Persecution?

For over a decade now, video games have become one of the central figures in the continuing debate over what should be considered speech protected by the First Amendment, especially when it comes to speech consumed by children. In a…

Sen. Feinstein: The Anarchist Cookbook Not Protected Speech

The Anarchist Cookbook

The Anarchist Cookbook is “not, in my view, protected by the First Amendment and should be removed from the internet.” This was a reactionary statement released last Thursday from California Senator Dianne Feinstein in response to the recent arrest of…