Category: International

Paul Pope Talks Ghost in the Shell Supporting CBLDF!

Paul Pope (THB, Batman: Year 100) started at Kodansha comics in 1995. During his five years working for Japan’s largest publishing company a lot of the things he created didn’t make it to the shelves, but because of the caliber…

Get $800+ of Kodansha Manga and Support CBLDF! LAST WEEK!

Kodansha Comics x Humble Books Bundle: Manga to Anime Discover the origins of your favorite anime and live action features with this massive manga Humble Bundle that benefits CBLDF! Instantly download over $800 worth of the groundbreaking Kodansha manga that…

CBLDF’s Manga Member Drive – Get Original Art, Signed Manga & More!

While supplies last, CBLDF is proud to reward new members with signed books by legendary manga creators Yoshitaka Amano, Toshio Maeda, Yusei Matsui, Yuto Tsukuda, and Akira Himekawa, plus original art from Girls und Panzer by Takeshi Nogami! Help CBLDF’s work promoting the free expression rights…

“Farewell to a Friend”: Paul Levitz on MAD Magazine’s Nick Meglin

Word is spreading of the sudden passing of Nick Meglin, an insufficiently celebrated but extraordinarily important influence on American culture and cartooning. Nick is close to the last survivor of the offices of E.C. Comics (hang in there, Marie and…

Love Manga? CBLDF Needs Your Help!

Do you love manga and free speech? Can you tell the difference between shonen and seinen in a heartbeat? Do you have an elaborate Hellsing tattoo? Then CBLDF wants you to lend your expertise and voice to our team of…

Support CBLDF With GNs Signed by New Yorker Cartoonists Roz Chast, Art Spiegelman, & Shannon Wheeler!

This week CBLDF is excited to offer our donors an incredible selection of graphic novels signed by acclaimed New Yorker Cartoonists! You can make a difference in our fight for free speech and grab a great new graphic novel, including Can’t We Talk…