CBLDF Comic-Con Auction Sponsored by IDW Publishing Live Art by Gabriel Rodriguez Keynote by Paul Levitz Saturday, July 20, Hilton Bayfront, Sapphire AB Register to Bid: cbldfauction2019.eventbrite.com Join IDW Publishing to support Comic Book Legal Defense Fund’s Comic-Con Auction, happening Saturday, July 20,…
Category: International
Canadian Cartoonist Let Go After Trump Cartoon Goes Viral
Editorial cartoonist, Michael de Adder, was let go from Canada’s Brunswick News Inc. (BNI), a group which controls all the major papers in his hometown, the day after a cartoon he drew that was critical of the American President went…
Adding My Brother’s Husband to Your Library or Classroom
Gengoroh Tagame’s award-winning manga series My Brother’s Husband (Japanese: Otōto no Otto) has been hailed by critics and creators all over the world as a fascinating look at family, homophobia, cultural differences, and grief. Serialized in Japan from 2014 to 2017, the series was…
AARGH!: Artists Against Rampant Government Homophobia
It started, as too many things do, with a children’s book that some people found offensive and ended with a piece of legislation called Clause 28 that made it illegal to “promote the teaching in any maintained school of the…
New York Times International Axes Political Cartoons
In April, the New York Times International Edition upset readers all over the world with a political cartoon that outraged many viewing it as anti-semitic. The paper apologized and blamed both the syndicated service they used and the Hong Kong…
Pick up LGBTQ+ Manga to Kick off Pride!
Due to continued stigma against the LGBTQ+ community in Japan, there are few out mangaka, despite a plethora of queer content. For pride month, here are four out and proud Japanese voices for you to check out. My Lesbian Experience…
Join Badiucao’s Campaign for “Tank Man” Emoji!
Presented in conjunction with Cartoonists Rights Network International The dissident Chinese cartoonist, who this week revealed his face to the public for the first time, requests that cartoonists everywhere post their selfies and artwork to Twitter using #Tiananmen31 We recently…
May 35th: The Tiananmen Square Massacre and 30 Years of Chinese Censorship
Today, June 4th marks the 30th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square civil rights protest and the subsequent massacre. It also marks the beginning of one of the longest, largest, and most convoluted censorship campaigns in human history, as China has sought…
Badiucao Unmasks, Defying China’s Threats
CBLDF reported earlier this week about brave and thoughtful documentary China’s Artful Dissident being broadcast in Australia, set to follow the masked and exiled cartoonist, Badiucao as he traveled the world speaking to other exiles and survivors of the Tiananmen Square Massacre,…
Documentary About Exiled Chinese Cartoonist to Mark 30th Anniversary of Massacre
A new film by Australian documentarian Danny Ben-Moshe will be broadcast in Australia tomorrow, focused on the career of exiled Chinese cartoonist/street-artist Badiucao to mark the 30th Anniversary of Tiananmen Square. CBLDF readers may recognize Badiucao’s work, from the often posted…