Category: International

Lebanese Comics Collective Counters Government Censure with Crowdfunding Campaign

The Lebanese indie comics collective Samandal, financially crippled after three of its editors were fined a total of $60,000 for charges that include “inciting sectarian strife” and “denigrating religion” through comics, this week turned to crowdfunding in a last-ditch effort…

Suppressed 1978 Judge Dredd Stories to be Republished Next Year

Two legendary Judge Dredd storylines that were suppressed by their original publisher in 1978 amid concerns about copyright infringement will finally see the light of day again, after a recent change in UK law provided firmer protections for parody and…

UN Envoy Recommends Japanese Ban on Some Manga and Anime

A UN special envoy on child protection waded into the debate over manga and anime in Japan this week, urging the country to ban “particular, extreme child pornographic content” even if it does not involve any actual children. In a…

Zunar to Tour Europe Ahead of Sedition Trial

In the final weeks before his trial on nine counts of sedition is set to begin in Malaysia, cartoonist Zunar will embark on a whirlwind European tour with several speaking engagements from Oct. 26 to Nov. 4. Although the events…

Tokyo Prison Under Fire for Banning Gay Manga

The Tokyo Bar Association issued a sexual orientation discrimination warning to the Tokyo Detention House earlier this week when it was found out that they had been explicitly refusing an inmate access to manga which depicts homosexual sex acts —…

Country-Wide Ban Lifted from Award-Winning Book Into the River

An award-winning coming of age novel is back on shelves throughout New Zealand after the country’s Office of Film & Literature Classification lifted its temporary ban. Into the River by New Zealand native author Ted Dawe was banned in his…