Category: media

Banned Books Week: Charles Brownstein Talks CBLDF with Project Censored

CBLDF Executive Director Charles Brownstein joined the hosts of KPFA’s Project Censored, a weekly radio show out of Berkeley, California, that focuses on censorship issues around the nation. Last Friday’s show was dedicated to Banned Books Week. The full episode…

Banned Books Week Heroes Unveiled During Virtual Read-out

Readers from across the United States and around the world will demonstrate their support for free speech by participating in a Virtual Read-Out of banned and challenged books during Banned Books Week, Sept. 22 – 28, a time when the…

In Wake of Tragic Shooting, Video Games Blamed

The country is still reeling from the tragic shooting at the D.C. Navy Yard, and in the short span of time that has followed, video games quickly became a focus of discussion, with outlets such as Fox News and The…

Violent Content Research Act Raises Free Speech Concerns

Video games, the latest scapegoat in the war against gun violence, are being faced with yet another attempt to stifle their First Amendment rights. As a result of the Sandy Hook massacre and other recent tragedies, a new act is…

Infographic Reveals the Reasons Comics Are Challenged

Designer Tim Leong — who will be joining CBLDF throughout Comic-Con for signings of his new book Super Graphic — has assembled an amazing new infographic that reveals the reasons why comic books and graphic novels are challenged and banned…

John Stossel Destroys Argument for Taxing Violent Media

Last month, Franklin Graham, in a meeting with other religious leaders and Vice President Joe Biden, brought up the idea of taxing violent media including video games. Even though numerous legal experts and anti-censorship organizations have shown that such a…

In New Report, Media Coalition Explains Flaws in Link Between Gun Violence and New Media

CBLDF is a member of the Media Coalition. Like CBLDF, the Media Coalition recognizes that the argument that video games cause violent behavior is specious, and this week saw the release of a report from Media Coalition that provides further evidence against the idea that media — including video games — and violence are connected. CBLDF endorses the research as part of our program work, and the official press release follows, as does the report itself.

Join the CBLDF Website Team!

CBLDF is looking for writers of all stripes, from talented newcomers to experienced journalists, to add to our roster of bloggers. Whether you can commit to an article a week, an article a month, or an article a year, we…