Category: News Blog

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Turkish Journalist Questioned for Sharing Cartoon Online

In just the latest in a string of media clampdowns in Turkey, last week a reporter for Dicle News Agency was detained and questioned at a police checkpoint and for allegedly insulting President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan with a cartoon shared…

SDCC 2016: Valiant and CBLDF Reveal FAITH #1 SDCC Liberty Variant by Acclaimed Artist Ronald Wimberly — Debuting at San Diego Comic-Con!

As revealed today at the A.V. Club, Valiant is proud to support the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF) with the FAITH #1 SDCC Liberty Variant — a limited edition release of the FIRST ISSUE of Faith “Zephyr” Herbert’s history-making ongoing series! Featuring a brand-new cover by Glyph…

CBLDF’s Charles Brownstein Examines Representation and Free Expression in Comics

Earlier this year, CBLDF Executive Director Charles Brownstein toured the exhibit Our Comics, Ourselves: Identity, Expression, and Representation in Comic Art at Brooklyn’s Interference Archive. The physical exhibit packed up in April, but it lives on as a Tumblr blog…

Large Turnout for Hong Kong Democracy Protest After Bookseller Revelations

Thousands of Hong Kong residents joined pro-democracy demonstrations last weekend, following local bookstore manager Lam Wing Kee’s revelation that he was involuntarily detained for eight months on the Chinese mainland as authorities there sought information about customers and the books…

Ann Telnaes and How Social Media Changed Editorial Cartooning

Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes is no stranger to the violent and sometimes highly personal backlash and criticism her works incite. In a recent editorial piece for the Columbia Journal Review, Telnaes discusses how social media has become a tool…

CBLDF Looking for Editorial Intern!

CBLDF is looking for an editorial intern! Help us perform our important education work and gain hands-on experience with the program and communications side of our dynamic, influential non-profit organization. Duties include: copyediting, proofreading, transcription, and copy writing. If you have an…

Virginia Lawmaker Wants Librarians Fired for Summer Reading Lists

A debate over summer reading books in Virginia’s Chesterfield County Public Schools intensified last week when a state senator characterized the books as “trash” and said the school librarians who recommended them should be fired. The titles that have raised…

Cartoonist Rehired After 2-Month Free Speech Battle

Editorial cartoonist Rick Friday has been rehired by the Iowa-based newspaper Farm News, the newspaper that fired him two months ago for tackling corporate greed in the farming industry. Friday, who had a 21-year long stint with the newspaper, was…