Category: News Blog

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Humble Dynamite 10th Anniversary Bundle Rewards Fans to Benefit CBLDF!

To celebrate their first decade of comic book publishing, Dynamite Entertainment launches its first ever Humble Bundle promotion which will allow fans to purchase over 120 digital comics books and graphic novels (the largest Humble Bumble comics collection in history) at…

Florida School District Removes Paper Towns From Reading List

Florida seems to be the place for unilateral book bans this summer. A few weeks after a Pensacola high school principal cancelled an entire summer reading program rather than let students read Cory Doctorow’s Little Brother, now a Tampa-area school…

The Sims Prove That LGBT Characters Are Family-Friendly

For a long time, the common wisdom among publishers, movie studios, and other gatekeepers of content has held that LGBT characters are verboten in mainstream all-ages material. LGBT content is a frequent target of censors, and as we saw in…

AZ Superintendent of Public Instruction Under Fire for Anonymous Online Posts

In stating that Tucson’s banned Mexican American Studies program “contained content promoting resentment toward a race or class of people” and that “materials repeatedly reference white people as being ‘oppressors….’ in violation of state law,” Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction…

Pakistani Political Cartoonist Mourns Free Expression

Pakistani political cartoonist Sabir Nazar is lucky. He’s currently in Washington, DC for a six-month fellowship at the National Endowment for Democracy, just as extremist attacks against journalists are ramping up in his home country. A few days ago he…

ALA Report Shows Internet Filtering Curtails Free Speech

In a few days we will mark the 11th anniversary since the Supreme Court decided in United States v. American Library Association that filtering of Internet access on school and library computers does not infringe on free speech rights. The…

Watch the Google+ Hangout Featuring Cory Doctorow!

Yesterday, free speech lovers around the country got to join Cory Doctorow, author of the novel Little Brother, for a Google+ Hangout on Air discussing the importance of fighting censorship and the value of Banned Books Week. CBLDF Executive Director…

Raffle of Original 2000 AD Artwork Benefits CBLDF

We just heard that some lovely fans of the UK sci-fi comics weekly 2000 AD have organized a raffle of original artwork to benefit CBLDF! Full details can be found by joining the 2000AD Comic Artwork Facebook group, but some…

CBLDF Heads South for HEROES CON

CBLDF is returning to Charlotte, North Carolina, this weekend, where we are excited to be exhibiting at HeroesCon 2014 booth 1222! Heroes Convention was founded in 1982 by Shelton Drum, the owner of Charlotte’s Heroes Aren’t Hard To Find comics…