In 2017, CBLDF was busy battling book challenges, unconstitutional legislation, and more in defense of the freedom to read. As we wrap up a busy year defending the right to read, here’s a rundown of some of the books we’ve helped…
91 search results for "Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian"
2017: Free Speech Offenders and Defenders!
The National Coalition Against Censorship, CBLDF’s frequent partner in the fight for free expression, has named their free speech offenders and defenders for 2017. Let’s take a look at some of the free speech heroes and villains that CBLDF helped…
Giving Thanks for Free Speech!
It’s Thanksgiving, which means it’s time to give thanks for the the right to read. CBLDF has scored a number of notable victories in 2017, defending the legal rights of our community of retailers, educators, librarians, creators, and readers! Here’s…
Conejo Valley School Board Approves ‘Red-Flagging’ of Books
During a contentious meeting Tuesday night that dragged on for six hours, California’s Conejo Valley school board passed a new ‘red-flagging’ policy that will require high school English teachers to warn parents of any assigned book considered to have “mature…
Conejo Valley Board to Vote on Contested ‘Red-Flagging’ Policy
In front of an overflow crowd at the Tuesday evening meeting of California’s Conejo Valley school board, president Mike Dunn insisted that the board will vote next week on a proposed ‘red-flagging’ policy for reading assignments, which would require teachers…
Conejo Valley Teachers Fight Back Against Proposed ‘Red-Flagging’ Policy
After a months-long standoff over initial curricular approval for Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian this summer, teachers in California’s Conejo Valley Unified School District say that one school board member is trying to push through…
Victory in MN: Annandale Board Rejects Challenge to Alexie Book
In a victory for the freedom to read, the school board in Annandale, Minnesota has chosen to keep Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian in the 9th grade curriculum despite calls from a small group of…
Banned Books Week News Roundup
Banned Books Week 2017 is wrapping up, and this year the celebration of free expression seems more relevant than ever. In light of recent public debates over speech and counterspeech, the mechanisms of protest, and the flow of information and…
10 Books CBLDF Helped Defend in 2017 (So Far)
In 2017, CBLDF has been busy battling book challenges, unconstitutional legislation, and more in defense of the freedom to read. In recognition of Banned Books Week, here’s a rundown of some of the books we’ve defended so far this year.…
Celebrating the Freedom to Read This July 4!
One of our most cherished rights in the U.S. is the freedom to read — but sometimes we need to remind government authorities that we have that right. Here are a few books that CBLDF has helped defend so far…