849 search results for "Banned Books Week"

Virginia House Bill Could Legitimize A Way to Ban Sexually Explicit Content in Schools

A controversial bill is going before the Virginia legislature that would allow parents to take a more active role in regulating their children’s education and give them the option to opt their children out of specific assignments that they might deem…

Attacks on Expression on the Rise Throughout the World in 2015

2015 wasn’t just a benchmark year for censorship in the United States, where we fought more challenges to graphic novels and books than we’ve ever seen. International censorship was on the rise, culminating in literal attacks on cartoonists around the…

Michigan Parents Worry Picture Book Will Indoctrinate Students to Islam

Some parents in Eau Claire, Michigan, are accusing the local school district of preaching Islam to students via the picture book Nasreen’s Secret School, which was also challenged earlier this year in Florida. The increased focus on the book is…

UPDATED: Michigan Superintendent Notifies Parents of Gay Character in Captain Underpants Book

A few weeks after the Parent-Teacher Organization at an elementary school in Monroe, Michigan banned the latest Captain Underpants book from a school book fair because it reveals that one of the main characters is gay, a school district on…

Suppressed 1978 Judge Dredd Stories to be Republished Next Year

Two legendary Judge Dredd storylines that were suppressed by their original publisher in 1978 amid concerns about copyright infringement will finally see the light of day again, after a recent change in UK law provided firmer protections for parody and…