The Association of Comic Magazine Publishers (ACMP) was unsuccessful precursor to the Comic Magazine Association of America (CMAA), who would administrate the Comics Code Authority. The association was founded in response to public criticism that comic books were detrimental to…
78 search results for "nude"
A History of Censorship: Richard Felton Outcalt and The Yellow Kid
Many people know about the great comic book scare in the late ’40s and early ’50s. You know the one that started with individuals like Dr. Fredric Wertham and Senator Robert C. Hendrickson and ended with the creation of the…
In Defense of Maurice Sendak’s IN THE NIGHT KITCHEN
Legendary illustrator and writer Maurice Sendak passed away last week at the age of 83. His Caldecott Medal winning work Where the Wild Things Are is indelibly etched into the minds of children and adults throughout the world as a flawless portrait of childhood, incorporating both the sublime and acrimonious aspects of youth. Sendak remains the only American to win the Hans Christian Andersen Medal for illustration and is well-known for creating honest characters that are headstrong, boisterous, and even unlikable.
Sendak’s books have been frequently challenged in libraries, in particular his children’s book In the Night Kitchen, another award-winning book that features a young boy’s dream journey through a baker’s kitchen. The book upset many librarians and adults because its young protagonist, Mickey, was depicted in the nude. Many librarians censored the book by painting diapers over the boy’s genitals, and in some cases the book was even burned.
Click through for excerpts from letters Sendak’s editor, Ursula Nordstrom, wrote in defense of the book.
News Roundup: The Ryan Matheson Case
Last week, CBLDF announced that Canadian criminal charges against American comics fan Ryan Matheson had been dropped. In turn, Matheson spoke out on his own behalf in a lengthy statement about how he was treated by Canadian authorities, a statement that imparted the indignation and confusion any innocent comics fan would feel after being exonerated from a crime he or she did not commit.
Click through for a round up of some of the coverage of the story.
CBLDF Congratulates General Counsel Robert Corn-Revere On Winning CBS Super Bowl Wardrobe Malfunction Case!
The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund congratulates Robert Corn-Revere, who represents the organization as General Counsel, on his victory in CBS v. FCC in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.
The federal agency fined CBS Corporation television stations $550,000 for airing the “wardrobe malfunction” that exposed singer Janet Jackson’s breast during the 2004 Super Bowl halftime show. The Third Circuit had previously thrown out the fine, but the Supreme Court remanded the case for reconsideration following their ruling on the fleeting material policy in Fox v. FCC. The Third Circuit re-affirmed its decision in a 2-1 split. Robert Corn-Revere argued the case for CBS.
CBLDF, Booksellers, Artists, ACLU Seek to Bar Utah Law Restricting Speech on Internet
Yesterday, a coalition including CBLDF, booksellers, media companies, artists, and the ACLU of Utah asked the federal district court in Salt Lake City to permanently bar enforcement of a Utah statute that restricts constitutionally-protected speech on the Internet. Although passed in 2005, the statute has not been in effect because Utah consented to a temporary injunction barring its enforcement.
Utah’s law seeks to regulate all Internet speech that some might consider “harmful to minors,” including works of visual art, photography, graphic novels, and information about sexual health and the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth.
CBLDF Case Files – Georgia v. Gordon Lee
In October 2004 Gordon Lee, the owner of Legends comic shop in Rome, Georgia, participated in a trick-or-treat event in downtown Rome, passing out free comics. Among the thousands of comics passed out was a copy of Alternative Comics #2,…
Remembering Burton Joseph
Burton Joseph, pioneering First Amendment advocate and long serving legal counsel for Comic Book Legal Defense Fund died at his home in San Francisco on March 31 at the age of 79. The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is honored to salute Mr. Joseph with remembrances from his friends and colleagues.