Category: Homepage

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EFF Wins Battle for Erotic Fiction Against Internet “Gatekeeper”

Securing a victory for constitutionally protected free speech, the Electronic Frontier Foundation has convinced online payment provider Stripe to overturn their earlier decision to suspend the account of the Nifty Archive Alliance, a “nonprofit entity that supports the Nifty Erotic…

List of Pics Too Hot for Campus Includes Cartoons and FIREFLY Poster

Greg Lukianoff is the President of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, an organization that fights for the individual rights of college students, including their right to free expression. Today on the Huffington Post, he released an amusing list…

The New York Times Highlights CBLDF as a Hero of Comics

George Gustines with The New York Times recently took a moment to explore the charitable organizations that help support the comics industry. In his article, “In Comics World, Needy Have Heroes of Their Own,” Gustines describes three major charitable efforts…

DOH! Channel 4 Censors “Gay” From The Simpsons

British broadcaster Channel 4 recently censored the word “gay” during a recent airing of The Simpsons, according to an article from The Independent. The censored episode, which originally aired in 1994, was run during the midday Sunday programming on the…

South African President Drops Defamation Suit Against Cartoonist

South African President Jacob Zuma announced last week that he was dropping his lawsuit against cartoonist Jonathan Shapiro, known by the pen-name Zapiro. Zuma brought the suit for defamation against Zapiro, along with Sunday Times publisher Avusa Media and editor…

Ben Katchor to Sign for CBLDF At Brooklyn Comics & Graphics Festival!

This Saturday, CBLDF will be exhibiting at the Brooklyn Comics & Graphics Festival, where celebrated graphic novelist Ben Katchor will be signing books at 4:00 p.m. in support of our work. In addition to hosting Mr. Katchor, the Fund will…

CBLDF Wants Your Voice!

Are you an enthusiastic fan of manga and ready to have your say? Are you a devoted fan of comics with a talent for writing and an opinion about your right to read? Are you an educator or librarian who…

KPFA’s Project Censored Talks Banned Books

As we were wandering about the interwebs this morning, we came across a pretty amazing recording from Banned Books Week. Barbara Jones, who heads up ALA’s Office of Intellectual Freedom, joined Joan Bertin, executive director of the National Coalition Against…

School District Keeps DIFFERENT SEASONS on Library Shelves

A recent decision by the Rocklin, California, Unified School District is proof that a single dissenting voice can help keep books on library shelves. Late last week, a district-wide review committee decided to keep Stephen King’s collection of novellas, Different…

CBLDF Hurricane Status Update

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is located in midtown Manhattan, and while we have the very good fortune that our staff and their loved ones were not badly affected by Hurricane Sandy, we are experiencing an interruption in our…