Category: Features

CBLDF Podcast Episode 2: Live from MoCCA Fest 2014!

The second episode of CBLDF’s podcast is up, and it features exclusive interviews with Howard Cruse (Stuck Rubber Baby), Fiona Staples (Saga), and Robert Williams (Zap Comix), live from the floor of the 2014 Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art…

Lewd or Literary: CBLDF Executive Director to Discuss Graphic Novels at Columbia University

Are graphic novels too graphic? Lewd or literary? This Wednesday, April 30, CBLDF Executive Director Charles Brownstein will discuss these questions and more at Columbia University. Columbia University Libraries and Information Services Rare Book & Manuscript Library are currently hosting…

Chinese Same-Sex Slash Fic Targeted in Porn Crackdown

China’s cyberpolice do not only target political dissidents; they also have the Sisyphean task of scrubbing the Internet of pornography. In the latest crackdown on “all online texts, pictures, videos and advertisements with pornographic content,” however, the government has ensnared…

60 Years Ago Today: The US Senate Puts Comics on Trial!

What a difference 60 years can make. On this day, in 1954, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee to Investigate Juvenile Delinquency was closing out a second day of hearings. These two days would prove a pivotal period in comics history,…

Using Graphic Novels in Education: Stuck in the Middle: Seventeen Comics from an UNPLEASANT Age

Welcome to Using Graphic Novels in Education, an ongoing feature from CBLDF that is designed to allay confusion around the content of graphic novels and to help parents and teachers raise readers. In this column, we examine graphic novels, including…

Support the Right to Read with CBLDF at WonderCon!

This weekend, CBLDF head’s to the West Coast for WonderCon! WonderCon takes place in the Anaheim Convention Center (800 W. Katella Avenue, Anaheim, CA 92802) April 18 – 20, 2014. CBLDF will be at booth #509 with a scarce few copies…

Fun Home Musical Travels to Charleston After Pulitzer Nod

Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home is no stranger to controversy. The beautifully composed Eisner-winning graphic novel, detailing Bechdel’s personal journey with sexual orientation, family, and self-image, has been the subject of two bans from South Carolina and Utah colleges. Citing the…

Of Mice and Men Overcomes Attempted Ban in Minnesota

In a week that has brought us ALA’s latest list of the ten most banned books (which inexplicably included Jeff Smith’s Bone!), we’re heartened to find that reason has ruled the day in Brainerd, Minnesota: The Brainerd school board voted…