Category: Features

Kinokuniya Books NYC Celebrates Banned Books Week With CBLDF Member Drive This Saturday!

This Saturday, celebrate Banned Books Week at Kinokuniya Bookstore (across from Bryant Park) where they’re hosting a membership drive for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund!  Every year manga is banned and challenged all over the world.  CBLDF is the…

Banned Books Week: CBLDF Defends Banned Books and Authors

This week may be Banned Books Week, but last week was all about banning books, from the ban of Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man in North Carolina, to a challenge against Eleanor & Park that led to the cancellation of a…

Banned Books Week: Challenged and Banned Comics

Because of their visual nature, comic books are an easy target for a would-be censor. What might be acceptable in a prose paragraph is not necessarily accepted in a static image. Let’s take a look at some of the titles…

Video Game Blame Game Draws Attention From Capitol Hill

Seemingly within minutes of the tragic D.C. Navy Yard shooting, video games became part of the conversation. Shooter Aaron Alexis’s friends and family mentioned Alexis’s frequent video game play, some calling it obsessive, and foreign news outlets translated this to…

CBLDF Launches Banned Books Week at the Brooklyn Books Festival!

Celebrate the start of Banned Books Week by supporting Comic Book Legal Defense Fund at the Brooklyn Books Festival, this Sunday, September 22, at Brooklyn Borough Hall and Plaza! CBLDF will be on hand with signed premiums and a special…

Charles Brownstein on CBLDF Presents Manga

Brigid Alverson with MTV Geek recently sat down with CBLDF Executive Director Charles Brownstein to discuss CBLDF Presents Manga: Introduction, Challenges, and Best Practices, a definitive handbook about manga for teachers, parents, librarians, and anyone who has an interest in…

Banned Books Week: Resources for Educators and Librarians

Banned Books Week starts this weekend, and one way to help prevent challenges and bans is to make sure you’re informed! CBLDF has a number of resources that inform librarians and educators about comic books and graphic novels, and ways…

Melinda Gebbie Discusses Lost Girls, Censorship at Edinburgh Book Fest

Lost Girls, the unabashedly pornographic update on characters from children’s literature classics as imagined by Melinda Gebbie and Alan Moore, is without a doubt one of the most provocative graphic novels published in recent memory. In recounting the sexual awakenings…

CBLDF Talks Banned Comics at Berkeley Public Library

If you live in the San Francisco Bay Area, join CBLDF at 6:30 p.m. tonight at the Berkeley Public Library South Branch (1901 Russell, Berkeley, CA) for “Banned Comics in America,” a presentation by CBLDF Web Editor Betsy Gomez. A…