Category: Features

Government Relief Loans for Comics Businesses Webinar

CBLDF is developing and creating resources for those affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Government Relief Loans for Comic Businesses was made to help retailers navigate applying for government relief loans that can help their business weather the current crisis. Watch the…

CBLDF Remote Retailing Webinar

Remote Retailing: Connecting With Your Customer Online Webinar CBLDF is developing resources for retailers affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Remote Retailing is the first of the planned series of retailer training webinars. Watch the full video on the CBLDF YouTube…

Remote Retailer Spotlight: Comic Curators

  For many people, there’s nothing better than hunting through the racks of a comic shop to find something new to read. But with comic shops across the country temporarily closed, that’s become much harder to do. Comic book retailers…

Retailer Resource: Social Media Training Webinar

  Social Media: Best Practices for the Comic Book Retailer Friday, April 17th @ 1 PM PST Social media platforms have become essential spaces for millions of Americans looking to build connection and community. As a result these platforms have…

Retailer Resource for Selling Comics Online

The Coronavirus crisis affects us all. Statewide shutdowns and social distancing have led to an unprecedented mass closure of physical retail locations. To maintain business, many stores have moved toward remote retailing solutions. E-commerce platforms like eBay allow retailers to…

Remote Retailer Spotlight: Facebook Live Edition

  Mandatory shutdown orders are affecting retailers across the country. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still grab some new comics from your local comic shop! Where stores are closed, retailers are coming up with innovative ways to best serve their communities…

Poetry is Everywhere! Poetry Comics

  April 1st kicks off National Poetry Month and it is the perfect time to add more poetry into the world. Poetry expresses visceral emotions with language in a way that has engaged readers for centuries. And poetry isn’t one…

Poetry is Everywhere! Howl and the Obscenity Trial

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, -Allen Ginsberg, Howl   Poetry is everywhere and that includes comic books. Celebrate National Poetry Month in April with CBLDF by taking a look-back on Allen…