Category: Headline

For the scrolling headline

World Mourns Victims of Charlie Hebdo Attack

Shortly after the attack that killed 12 people at the offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, tributes and musings on free expression flooded the press and Internet. We’ve gathered some of the best and most interesting posts. Although…

A Moment of Speech: Charlie Hebdo’s Controversial Cartoons

Yesterday’s massacre of twelve people, including five cartoonists, at the offices of the French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo have rightfully sparked international condemnation.  An outpouring of speech that includes statements from world leaders, vigils in cities across the globe, the…

Stand Up for Free Speech: Publish Charlie Hebdo’s Cartoons

Index on Censorship, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, and PEN America call on all those who believe in the fundamental right to freedom of expression to join in publishing the cartoons or covers of Charlie Hebdo on January 8 at…

CBLDF Joins Condemnation of Charlie Hebdo Attack

In the wake of the attack on the Paris offices of satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo, which resulted in the death of 12 people, including cartoonists Charb, Cabu, Wolinski, Tignous, and Honoré, CBLDF has joined a coalition led by the National Coalition…

BREAKING NEWS: Charlie Hebdo Attack Kills 12, Including 5 Cartoonists

© Martin Vidberg / Le Monde

At least two masked gunmen burst into an editorial meeting of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo this morning and killed 12 people including the cartoonists Charb, Cabu, Wolinski, Tignous, and Philippe Honoré. The attackers have not yet been apprehended…

Washington Post Reader Objects to Doonesbury Rape Mention

© Garry Trudeau

It shouldn’t be news to anyone that Garry Trudeau’s long-running Doonesbury strip regularly tackles controversial current events and has done so for decades; last year the Washington Post finally ran a strip about Watergate that its editors had vetoed in…

Censorship 2014: Manga and Anime Blamed for Crime

Misconceptions and deliberate hyperbole about manga and anime are nothing new, but a CNN segment that aired in June was so impressively wrong that our piece on it was one of the most visited on the site this year. In…

Author Recalls Role as Banned Books Guinea Pig

The Chocolate War

As we wrap up 2014, we noticed a rerun post at BookRiot that we missed when it originally appeared during a particularly hectic Banned Books Week back in September. In the meditation on the importance of allowing young readers to…

Get Exclusive Neil Gaiman Recording With Your Year-End CBLDF Donation!

There’s still time to support CBLDF’s vital work in 2014! Make a tax-deductible contribution of any amount by midnight PST on December 31, and we’ll thank you with an exclusive download of Neil Gaiman: Live At the Aladdin, the classic CBLDF…

LAST DAY for the Humble Dynamite MEGA Holidays Bundle!

Humble Bundle and Dynamite Entertainment have teamed up for one of the biggest bundles ever offered — the Humble Dynamite MEGA Holidays Bundle — but you better act fast! Your chance to pay what you want for 140+ comics and…