Category: International

CRNI Aids Cartoonists in Danger

Around the world, particularly in developing countries with low literacy rates, political cartoons serve an important function in public debate. But too often, cartoonists who defy secular or religious authorities face intimidation, arrest, violent attacks, and even death. Cartoonists Rights…

Iranian Cartoonist Continues to Speak Out From Exile

In 2009, Iran errupted into violent protest over the results of an election that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won by a landslide, leading many to believe that he had stolen the election. As the streets filled with protestors, riot police, and teargas,…

Vague Legal Definitions Threaten Japanese Comic Readers

For the second time in four years, members of the Japanese Diet (legislature) are attempting to revise the nation’s flawed child pornography law. While initial revision proposals offered some hope that the problems with the law would be fixed, the…

Bangladeshi Cartoonist Recounts Time in Prison

In 2007, Arifur Rahman published a cartoon featuring a character called Mohammad Cat. The cartoon was published during the Islamic holy day of Ramadan, and its publication led to protests across Bangladesh. Rahman was arrested and sentenced to 6 months…

Cartoonists Resist Censorship Abroad

This week, David Reed with the Missouri NPR affiliate KBIA 91.3 examined editorial cartoons and freedom of expression abroad during his Global Journalist radio show. Among the topics of discussion were Ali Ferzat and Aseem Trivedi, two editorial cartoonists who…

Singapore Cartoonist Arrested for Sedition

In April, Singapore cartoonist Leslie Chew was arrested by authorities for alleged racial insensitivity and sedition. Chew shares his comic, Demon-cratic Singopore, on Facebook, and his arrest was the result of a complaint filed by a private citizen who took…

Appeal Against Tunisian Blasphemy Conviction for Sharing Cartoons Fails

Last year, Tunisian citizens Jabeur Mejri and Ghazi Beji were sentenced in their home country to 7.5 years prison for blasphemy. The two were convicted of insulting the Prophet Muhammad after they shared cartoons depicting Muhammad and criticizing Islam on…

New Zealand Man Jailed for Watching Anime

Ronald Clark, a man from Auckland, New Zealand, has been sentenced to three months jail and may be further sentenced to 10 years of supervision and penalties. His crime: watching Japanese anime featuring pixies, elves, trolls, and other fantasy characters…

Holding Strong Against the Rise of Censorship in Egypt and Tunisia

Despite legislation protecting free expression, an Egyptian satirist and Tunisian rapper find themselves caught in a wave of rising post-Arab Spring censorship. Political cartoons have been an ongoing target, and now Bassem Youssef and Weld El 15 have both been…