Category: Legal

Facebook and ACLU Challenge the Ruling That “Likes” Are Not Free Speech

What if “liking” a page on Facebook could cost you your job?

A judge in Virginia ruled last spring that Facebook “likes” are not protected under the First Amendment. According to U.S. District Judge Raymond Jackson, “merely ‘liking’ a Facebook page is insufficient speech to merit constitutional protection.”

South African Scuffle Over Controversial Portrait Spurs Debate, Censorship

How far should newspaper editorial go to protect their free speech in the face of business-crippling boycott? What dangerous precedents are set by self-censorship? Ferial Haffajee, editor of the South African City Press, faced these concerns at their most difficult…

“Can’t Censor the People”: Cops and Community Battle Over Mural Wall in New York City

On July 24th, the New York City Police Department sent two plainclothes cops to paint over a mural that had listed the NYPD alongside multinational corporations and government agencies under the headline, “Murderers.” While artist Alan Ket had permission from…

Media in Myanmar Opposes New Press Council

Last Friday, after widespread criticism of delays in eliminating its censorship board, the government of Myanmar announced that it was forming an interim council to regulate the press until the new media law is enacted. The 20-member council is comprised…

Men Arrested in India for E-Mailing Cartoon

When Jadavpur University professor Ambikesh Mahapatra e-mailed a cartoon mocking an Indian politician to friends, he probably didn’t expect to be arrested by local police in a midnight raid. Appallingly, Mahapatra and neighbor Subrata Sengupta were arrested in such a…