Category: News Blog

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Crime Does Not Pay Publisher Defends Comics in 1952 Magazine Article

by Ken Quattro Amid all the voices directed against comic books during the Forties and Fifties, one of the strongest in their defense was that of Lev Gleason. Gleason had instituted an editorial code of ethics in his own successful…

Mosul Book Burning Recalls Cultural Genocides of Centuries Past

In light of the devastating news last week that Islamic State extremists apparently burned part or all of the public library collection in the Iraqi city of Mosul, CBLDF general counsel Robert Corn-Revere contributed a comprehensive overview of book burnings…

Painting Pulled from Library for Depicting Mother Teresa

In Trumbull, Connecticut, a painting depicting Mother Teresa alongside Margaret Sanger, whose advocacy for birth control led to the formation of Planned Parenthood, has been taken down due to supposed copyright infringement. The call to remove the painting from Trumbull…

CBLDF Joins Coalition Defending History Books in Florida

History curricula are under fire around the country, from Jefferson County, Colorado, to a recent attack in Florida. CBLDF has joined a coalition led by the National Coalition Against Censorship to defend two history books in used in 10th grade…

CBLDF to Release US & UK Versions of Raising A Reader! How Comics & Graphic Novels Can Help Your Kids Love to Read!

Just in time for Children’s Book Week, the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is proud to release a new printing of Raising a Reader! How Comics & Graphic Novels Can Help Your Kids Love To Read!, CBLDF’s signature resource for parents…

Iranian Cartoonist’s Memoir Recounts Detention and Exile

In 2006, Iranian cartoonist Mana Neyestani was arrested and imprisoned for three months for drawing a children’s cartoon. In his memoir An Iranian Metamorphosis, he tells the surreal tale of his detention and eventual exile from his native country —…