309 search results for "Caitlin McCabe"

Egyptian Author Goes Back to Court for “Harming Public Morality”

Page from Use of Life

Egyptian novelist Ahmed Naji and newspaper editor Tarek e-Taher are going back to court to be retried for allegedly “harming public morality” just a few short weeks after being acquitted of the same charges. Naji and el-Taher were first brought…

Google Ideas Open Conversations About Censorship in New Web Series

A new initiative from Google Ideas, simply called Censored, invites users to a series of conversations with people who are fighting for their right for free expression. In Part 01 of the series, “Painting over the Bullet Holes,” Google Ideas…

Russian Publishers Too Scared to Print Children’s Book About Animal Detectives

Despite a vague federal law that professes to protect children from harmful information, Russian mother and author Anna Starobinets didn’t let censorship stand in her way when it came to publishing her newest children’s book, Beastly Crime Chronicles. In a…

Sedition in 140 Characters or Less: Zunar on the Alarming State of Free Speech in Malaysia


“The Malaysian government has no sense of humor.” This is the polite way that cartoonist Zunar describes his home country’s current administration and their controversial and unjust treatment of free expression in a recent editorial piece he wrote for the…

Free Speech Advocates Defend Cartoonist After Ted Cruz Cartoon Controversy

Last week Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist Ann Telnaes and The Washington Post came under fire for publishing a cartoon depicting Republican presidential contender Ted Cruz in a Santa costume with his two daughters shown as dancing monkeys tethered to a crank…