496 search results for "this one summer"

Perks of Being a Wallflower Returns to High School Classrooms in Pasco County

Pasco County, Florida superintendent of schools Kurt Browning has decided not to ban Stephen Chbosky’s The Perks of Being a Wallflower district-wide, following a review committee’s vote earlier this week to remove it from one middle school. Although the review…

Two Graphic Novels Among ALA’s Ten Most Challenged Books of 2015

Every year, National Library Week starts off with a bang: the release of the American Library Association’s Top Ten List of Frequently Challenged Books from the previous year. The list is compiled by ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom from librarians’…

Franco-Syrian Cartoonist Struggles to Process Hebdo Attack, International Affairs

Riad Sattouf, Franco-Syrian creator of the universally lauded graphic memoir The Arab of the Future, is an uneasy symbol of the intercultural tensions currently roiling Europe and the Middle East. A longtime contributor to Charlie Hebdo and until 2014 the…

She Changed Comics: Modern Age and Manga

Happy Women’s History Month! All through March, we’ll be celebrating women who changed free expression in comics. Check back here every week for biographical snippets on female creators who have pushed the boundaries of the format and/or seen their work…

She Changed Comics: Alternative & Modern Age

Happy Women’s History Month! All through March, we’ll be celebrating women who changed free expression in comics. Check back here every week for biographical snippets on female creators who have pushed the boundaries of the format and/or seen their work…

Connecticut High School Cancels American Idiot Musical After Parent Complaints

After complaints from “a very small number of extremely vocal people,” a high school drama club in Enfield, Connecticut has cancelled its planned production of the musical American Idiot, even though the club’s faculty advisor was already working to cut…