340 search results for "Using Graphic Novels in Education"

ALA Objects to Proposed Flagging of Books from Banned/Challenged Lists

Amidst the can of worms opened up when the Dallas-area Highland Park Independent School District recently suspended and then reinstated seven books on approved reading lists, it is important not to overlook one particularly alarming practice. Currently the district is…

CBLDF Joins Protest Against Proposed Curriculum Review in Colorado

By now most readers have probably heard about the proposed curriculum review committee in the Jefferson County, Colorado, school district. Over concerns that such a committee will censor educational content, CBLDF has joined a coalition led by the National Coalition…

Cape Henlopen Board Eliminates Entire Reading List in Dispute Over Cameron Post

In a disheartening turn of events, the Cape Henlopen School Board in Delaware last week eliminated an entire summer reading list for incoming high school freshmen amidst confusion over how to handle a challenge to one book. The board had…

CBLDF Releases Working With Libraries! A Handbook For Comics Creators

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is proud to release Working With Libraries! A Handbook For Comics Creators, featuring an introduction by Jeff Smith, and written by Eva Volin (Supervising Librarian, Children’s Services, Alameda Free Library, Alameda, CA), Katherine Keller…

Massachusetts Library Survey Reveals Challenges to Comics

A recent exhaustive survey of challenges and bans of materials in Massachusetts public libraries has uncovered a few cases involving comics and graphic novels — as well as a major shortcoming in the state’s public records law, which allows libraries…

Advisory Board Members

Susan Alston Susan Alston, CBLDF’s first Executive Director (1993-1997) and former board member (1997-1999), is a development, marketing, and communications professional in western Massachusetts. Alston began her career as Assistant Director of Marketing at Bank of Boston, then as Director…