568 search results for "manga"

Advisory Board Members

Susan Alston Susan Alston, CBLDF’s first Executive Director (1993-1997) and former board member (1997-1999), is a development, marketing, and communications professional in western Massachusetts. Alston began her career as Assistant Director of Marketing at Bank of Boston, then as Director…

Jeff Smith Named To CBLDF Board of Directors

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund proudly announces that Jeff Smith, the celebrated creator of Bone and RASL has been unanimously elected to serve on the organization’s Board of Directors. Smith joins fellow authors Larry Marder, Jennifer L. Holm, and…

Kinokuniya Books NYC Celebrates Banned Books Week With CBLDF Member Drive This Saturday!

This Saturday, celebrate Banned Books Week at Kinokuniya Bookstore (across from Bryant Park) where they’re hosting a membership drive for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund!  Every year manga is banned and challenged all over the world.  CBLDF is the…

Radical Voices Continue to Call for Censorship in Barefoot Gen Debate

After debate that focused more on procedure than on free expression, a ban placed on anti-war manga Barefoot Gen was lifted recently in Japan, once again allowing the return of the book to school libraries in Matsue City. Unfortunately, controversy…