457 search results for "fun home challenge"

Who’s Afraid of Fun Home?

In light of the unprecedented and vindictive budget cut currently making its way through the South Carolina legislature as punishment for the College of Charleston encouraging (but not requiring) students to read Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home, we thought we’d share…

SC Legislator Excoriates Student Government for Defending Fun Home and Academic Freedom

Following the South Carolina House of Representatives vote last week to exact punitive budget cuts from two public colleges that chose LGBT-themed books–including Alison Bechdel’s graphic novel Fun Home–for campus reading programs, we noticed a revealing story that illustrates at…

South Carolina Legislator Tries to Punish College for Fun Home Selection

Last summer, a conservative group in South Carolina got the vapors when Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home was chosen as an optional summer reading book at the College of Charleston. The Palmetto Family Council proclaimed Bechdel’s graphic novel memoir “shocking” and…

Massachusetts Library Survey Reveals Challenges to Comics

A recent exhaustive survey of challenges and bans of materials in Massachusetts public libraries has uncovered a few cases involving comics and graphic novels — as well as a major shortcoming in the state’s public records law, which allows libraries…

Comic Book Legal Defense Fund Releases Authoritative Manga Guide for Librarians and Educators with Dark Horse!

This summer, Dark Horse is proud to publish CBLDF Presents Manga: Introduction, Challenges, and Best Practices, an authoritative yet accessible handbook designed to help librarians, educators, and parents navigate the vast and popular field of manga. Prepared by the Comic…