849 search results for "Banned Books Week"

Bringing Comics into Your Classroom and Curriculum

Looking for ways to engage reluctant readers? Need gripping tales for those students with shorter attention spans? Interested in teaching visual literacy in addition to improving vocabulary and reading comprehension? Look no further than (trumpet sounds) comic books! If you…

A Tale of Two Kitties (and Two Annes): The Censorship of Anne Frank

Author’s Note: Thanks to Carlotta at 360 Amsterdam and employees of the Anne Frank Fonds working at the Anne Frank House, who answered my many questions. All mistakes are the authors. “I live in a crazy time” –Anne Frank The…

Nominate a Champion of Free Expression!

Index on Censorship is now accepting nominations for their prestigious 2019 Freedom of Expression Awards Fellowship. Fellows receive 12 months of coaching, capacity building, and strategic support to help them reach their goals. Though these fellowships, Index on Censorship fosters…

Website Protesting Book Ban Taken Down by Court Order

Spain’s recent campaign against freedom of speech continues, as they shut down a website protesting the first book banned by the government in over thirty years. The Madrid Booksellers Guild set up the site so the text of Don Quixote…

The Hate U Give Restored to Katy High School Libraries–with Restrictions

The critically-acclaimed Young Adult novel The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas has returned to high school library shelves in Katy, Texas–but students need parental permission to check it out, and it could still be banned later on after evaluation…