Tag: censorship

Common Sense and Censorship Don’t Always Go Hand-in-Hand

In a recent post from the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom, Pat Peters examined the relationship between common sense and censorship — or, rather, the lack of a relationship between the two. Peters provided a few examples of challenges that…

Vietnamese Creators Fight Against Outdated “Comics Are for Kids” Mentality

Vietnamese comic artists today are not only finding creative ways to combat censorship, but are also working to overcome many of the negative stereotypes still associated with the medium—most frequently, the fallacy that comics are for children and cannot be…

Even Dictionaries Aren’t Safe From Censorship in China

The absurd lengths required to maintain censorship were once again illustrated this week, this time by numerous Chinese consumers who noted that their government routinely “edits” English-language dictionaries before they’re sold, specifically by covering up or otherwise eliding the entry…

Podcast: Censorship Can Happen to Anyone

In the latest edition of the American Libraries Dewey Decibel Podcast, Phil Morehart led ALA director James LaRue, school librarian Sara Stevenson, and acclaimed author Marjane Satrapi (Persepolis) in a discussion of the tough topic of censorship in American schools and libraries. None of…

Nigerian Women Fight Back Against Oppression with Romance Novels

A new, unconventional literary movement is taking hold in Nigeria in the form of romance novels. Called “love literature,” dozens of women are printing and even hand-writing thousands of novellas with the intent of speaking out against and challenging certain social…

Looking Back at a 1980s Anti-Comics and RPG Crusader’s Campaign

Former psychiatrist and founding member of the National Coalition on TV Violence, Thomas Radecki, may have famously led a nationwide battle against violence in comics and RPGs in the 1980s as a means to protect America’s youth, but a Clarion, Pennsylvania…

A Brief History of Movie Censorship

The 1950s may have saw the implementation of the Comics Code, which literally censored comics off the newsstand and all but destroyed the comics industry, but before that even some of the earliest forms of movie entertainment—the Nickelodeon and moveable…

Jack Davis: The Man Who Revolutionized Comics Humor

Last week, we lost a true comics legend and luminary. Jack Davis is not only remembered as a founding member of MAD magazine and contributor to EC’s diverse line of comics, but also as a man who with his incredible…