Author: Betsy Gomez

CBLDF Presents: Liberty: Comics’ Greatest Creators Unite to Protect the Freedom to Read!

Celebrate creative freedom with the comic book industry’s top talents in LIBERTY, an anthology benefiting the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund! This deluxe hardcover edition published by Image Comics collects LIBERTY ANNUAL 2008-2012, additional material not seen anywhere else, and…

Malaysian Cartoonist Zunar Speaks at Busboys and Poets in Washington DC

Malaysian cartoonist Zunar, the pen name of Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque, was arrested for seidition in 2010, hours before a collection of his new political cartoons was published. Zunar faced down his government and successfully avoided the sedition charges and won…

Students Protest Draconian Classroom Library Policy in Pennsylvania

Recently, CBLDF joined a Kids’ Right to Read Project-led coalition protesting a proposed policy in the Muhlenberg School District in Pennsylvania that would require teachers to read every book in their classrooms and label or remove mature, sexual, violent or…

Libyan Cartoonist Faces Sinister Form of Censorship

The work of Libyan cartoonist Nabil Fannoush is generally well-received in his home country. However, he still faces enough hostility from fundamentalist elements in his country that his editors have advised him to stay in Canada, where he currently resides.…

Cartoonist Challenges Authority in Tunisia

Tunisian blogger and cartoonist _Z_ didn’t sit back when he saw his government catering to the wealthy elite at the risk of the general public and fragile ecosystem in Tunis. Not long after _Z_ began his crusade against government corruption,…

Fight for the Freedom to Read with CBLDF in 2014!

Roll up your sleeves! Join the fight! Joining the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund puts you on the front line of the fight against censorship! Your membership dollars provide the tools to fight back when comic book readers, retailers, and…

The Color Purple Remains in North Carolina Classrooms

Throughout December, a parent in Brunswick County, North Carolina, waged a war against Alice Walker’s Pulitzer Prize winning novel The Color Purple. That war has been lost with the recent decision by the school board to retain the book in…

Massachusetts Library Stands by Tintin

Yesterday, library officials with the Jones Library in Amherst, Massachusetts, refused to reshelve — and thus restrict access to — several Tintin titles after a group of parents filed a complaint about racist caricatures in the books. Scott Merzbach covered…

Censorship 2013: Wertham Fabricated Evidence Against Comics

Early in 2013, a library sciences researcher at the University of Illinois proved what many of us already thought: Fredric Wertham, the child psychologist behind the anti-comics screed Seduction of the Innocent, fabricated much of his evidence against comics. The…