Category: Features

Jeff Smith on Why He Joined the CBLDF Board

Last week, CBLDF announced that acclaimed creator Jeff Smith was named to the CBLDF Board of Directors. The creator behind the perennially popular Bone series is no stranger to censorship — a parent in Minnesota tried to get Bone banned…

Understanding Your Rights FAQ – What Do Obscenity & Related Laws Mean?

Comic Book Legal Defense Fund frequently receives questions from our community about one’s rights relating to comics, so we have created this column – “Understanding Your Rights” as a series of FAQs to help clearly explain these concepts.  Today’s column…

Obscenity Case Files: Jenkins v. Georgia

In 1972, a movie theater manager in Albany, Georgia, was convicted under a Georgia statute for the crime of distributing obscene material for showing the film Carnal Knowledge. The conviction took place during an odd limbo period between the decisions…

Persecuted Cartoonists Converse About Censorship

Cartoonists Rights Network International recently shared in interview between Malaysian cartoonist Zunar and Singaporean cartoonist Leslie Chew — both of whom have been arrested and persecuted in their home countries for their political cartoons. Zunar visited Singapore and interviewed Chew…

Webinar Focuses on the Use of Graphic Novels in Classrooms

Dr. Meryl Jaffe has graciously donated her time to write our ongoing series Using Graphic Novels in Education. So far, she has provided teaching tips and Common Core State Standards correlations for Persepolis, American Born Chinese, The Silence of Our…