Category: Features

CBLDF Names Members of Advisory Board

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is pleased to name the members of its newly formed advisory board, a body designed to assist the organization in advancing its mission to protect the First Amendment rights of the comics art form.…

The Increase of Artistic Self-Censorship in Russia

When an artist is censored by a government agency or political group, the immediate focus is on the individual case: Who is being censored, who is doing the censoring, and what are the reasons for the censorship? An unseen consequence…

Political Cartoons: Fuel For Revolution or a Reflection of the Fire?

What do editorial cartoons do? Are they really the mind-changing propaganda that censors fear? Or do they simply mirror the ideas, events, and trends already taking place? Cartoon Movement recently published a translated interview with Ilan Danjoux, author of Political…

Students, Teachers, Iranian-born Artist React to PERSEPOLIS Ban

Two weeks after the news broke that Chicago Public Schools officials had removed Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel memoir Persepolis from 7th grade classrooms and placed it “under review” for use in 8th-10th grades, reactions continue to pour in from various…

Defending Manga: The Ryan Matheson Story

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is proud to release Defending Manga: The Ryan Matheson Story, a short documentary video recounting the young American citzen’s fight for justice after being wrongfully accused of criminal activity because of fantasy and humor…

Chip Kidd Takes Action to FREE PERSEPOLIS

Chip Kidd — designer extraordinaire, writer, comics devotee, and CBLDF supporter — has added his voice to the cacophony decrying  the attempt to ban Marjane Satrapi’s Persepolis in Chicago schools. Recently, Kidd compiled a series of #FreePersepolis memes, calling on…

IRONY: Lane Tech Had Banned Book Club Before PERSEPOLIS Ban

A recent Chicago Tribune article caught our eye. The topic: 451 Degrees, a book club that reads exclusively banned books. What’s ironic about this particular club is that it exists at Lane Tech College Prep, the school at the center…

Vancouver Mom Offended by Museum’s “Whale Bone Porn”

Here’s a new twist on the sadly familiar refrain of one person demanding that a cultural institution remove images she considers inappropriate: A mother from Vancouver, British Columbia says that a local museum is displaying “whale bone porn,” which has…