Category: Features

An Update From Our Board of Directors

First and foremost, the CBLDF is grateful that Kris Simon has come forward. We also want to recognize Taki Soma for what she endured and for bringing this to light. Both have our full support. We are releasing Shy Allot…

A Statement From the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund Board

The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund has accepted the resignation of Charles Brownstein as Executive Director, effective immediately.  Our organization exists to serve the comics community and the First Amendment, and we can’t do that without an open and honest…

CBLDF Talks Queer Comics with Gaby Dunn

To celebrate Pride month, CBLDF is highlighting creators that are using free expression to tell LGBTQ+ stories with our new Talkin’ Queer Comics series! Check out our first entry in the series, an interview with Gaby Dunn, bestselling author, journalist,…

Celebrate Pride with an LGBTQ+ Reading List

In honor of Pride Month, CBLDF has put together a reading list of graphic novels featuring LGBTQ+ creators and themes. Celebrate Pride by enjoying graphic reads that uplift LGBTQ+ voices and stories! You can support CBLDF’s fight to defend queer…

Bone and Watchmen: This Week’s Recommended Summer Reading

This week, we’re challenging you to read a banned or challenged graphic novel! Comic books, graphic novels, and manga are frequently challenged and even banned because the medium thrives on the power of static images that can be taken out of context, and because there is a lingering stigma that comics are low-value speech. Check out our two selections for your #CBLDFSummerReads and download printables to keep track of your reading and more.

CBLDF’s “Virtual Event Safety” Resource Helps You Support Your Community!

Ensure the safety of your patrons with CBLDF’s new best practices guide, “Virtual Event Safety.” This simple visual reference will support retailers, educators, libraries, and creators who are using online gathering tools in making wise decisions to protect themselves and…

CBLDF Launches a New Summer Reading Challenge

Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is launching an all new Summer Reading Challenge to encourage a diverse and continuous reading habit through graphic novels and comic books! Are you up for the challenge? Join the CBLDF Summer Reading Challenge and…

Join CBLDF for Exclusive Q&A and Live Art Experiences

CBLDF needs your help today! CBLDF has been on the front lines protecting the comic industry’s First Amendment rights all while providing essential resources to help comics businesses and educators get through the COVID-19 crisis. Just this week, we aided…