A Billings, Montana, parent’s crusade against Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian ended after a packed school board meeting last night, during which the school board elected to retain the novel in area classrooms. CBLDF joined…
47 search results for "cbldf defend sherman alexie part-time indian"
Banned Books Week: CBLDF Defends Dozens of Books in 2012-13
This week alone, CBLDF signed three letters defending banned books and the authors of challenged books. Banned Books Week is a celebration of the freedom to read, but a look back at all of the books we helped protect since…
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Removed From Queens Reading List
Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, which CBLDF has defended from challenges in the past, was apparently removed from a sixth-grade reading list in Queens, New York, earlier this week after complaints from parents. Unfortunately the…
Frequently Challenged Alexie Novel Stays on District Reading List
Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is no stranger to library and school challenges, and it survived another one this week in the author’s home state of Washington. The West Valley School District Instructional Materials Committee…
CBLDF Signs On Against Massachusetts Challenge
The season of book challenges and bans continues for CBLDF, the Kids’ Right to Read Project, and allied groups, which yesterday issued a letter in defense of two books targeted for removal from 9th and 10th grade classrooms in Springfield,…
Sherman Alexie: Censorship of Any Form Punishes Curiosity
According to critically-acclaimed author Sherman Alexie, “Book banners want to control what every child reads,” and that “censorship of any form punishes curiosity.” In an interview with Ed Winstead of Guernica Magazine, Alexie discusses being the author of banned books…
Drama and This One Summer Named in Top 11 Most Frequently Challenged and Banned
The American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom (ALA OIF) released their annual list of most frequently challenged and and banned books of 2018 and both Raina Telgemeier’s Drama, and This One Summer by Jillian and Mariko Tamaki are included in…
Drama Named Among Top 10 Most Banned Books of 2017
For the third time, Raina Telgemeier’s YA classic Drama has been named to the American Library Association’s Most Banned Books list. This week, ALA released their top ten list of most frequently challenged books in 2017. Once again, the list is disproportionately…
Giving Thanks for Free Speech!
It’s Thanksgiving, which means it’s time to give thanks for the the right to read. CBLDF has scored a number of notable victories in 2017, defending the legal rights of our community of retailers, educators, librarians, creators, and readers! Here’s…
Banned Books Week News Roundup
Banned Books Week 2017 is wrapping up, and this year the celebration of free expression seems more relevant than ever. In light of recent public debates over speech and counterspeech, the mechanisms of protest, and the flow of information and…