357 search results for "drama "

Smile and Taxi: Our Picks for Week 2 of the Summer Reading Challenge

CBLDF is back with new recommendations for Week 2 of the CBLDF Summer Reading Challenge! It’s not too late to start the challenge and read a new graphic novel each week this summer. Just download our Challenge Checklist! Be sure…

Pride Month Reads and Resources

It’s more important than ever to stand up for what’s right. Even as we celebrate Pride, identity censorship, a form of censorship that targets books and speakers based on the identity of the author or characters in a book, remains…

Making Mini-Comics For Activism & Self-Care

Every CBLDF supporter knows that comics are a great medium for expressing what matters. While so many Americans are making their voices heard in demonstrations around the United States, there are also many children and teens feeling a need to…

Join CBLDF for Exclusive Q&A and Live Art Experiences

CBLDF needs your help today! CBLDF has been on the front lines protecting the comic industry’s First Amendment rights all while providing essential resources to help comics businesses and educators get through the COVID-19 crisis. Just this week, we aided…

Comic Book Greats Host Fan Experiences for CBLDF Members

CBLDF needs your help today! Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, you’ve counted on CBLDF to provide essential resources to help comics businesses and educators, including government aid analysis and remote learning tools. We’ve also maintained our core legal program, funding important…

Fight Identity Censorship: Spotlight LGBTQ+ Comics at Your Shop

LGBTQ+ content is most frequently targeted by identity censorship. ALA just revealed that 8 of the 10 most banned books of 2019 were challenged because they featured LGBTQ+ characters and themes. This National Library Week CBLDF is creating resources to…

Fight Identity Censorship With These CBLDF Resources

Help CBLDF fight the rising trend of identity censorship! Identity censorship happens when challenges are brought based on the personal identity of the author or the subject matter of a book. LGBTQ+ content is the most frequent target of identity censorship, including…